Can Chiropractic Help With Sinus Issues?


Sinus issues can be more than just a seasonal nuisance; they can significantly impact our daily lives. From congestion and headaches to impaired breathing, sinus problems are a common source of discomfort. While you might not immediately associate Chiropractic care with sinus relief, exploring the potential benefits may be worth considering. This blog post will delve into the fascinating connection between Chiropractic and sinus health.

First of all, what are the sinuses?
When someone says “sinuses,” it typically refers to the ‘paranasal sinuses’. These are small cavities of air that sit in the skull and are found behind the nose, cheekbones, and forehead.

Most people have four pairs of cavities in the skull. These cavities produce a thin mucous that helps to drain dirt, dust, and any other pollutants out of the sinuses and into the back of the throat, therefore humidifying inspired air and supporting the immune defense of the nasal cavity.

Our sinuses also play a massive role in increasing the resonance of our voice, which helps the high and low-pitch sounds.

Common sinus issues and why they occur
Sinuses can have infections or become inflamed. These are often known as ‘sinusitis’ or a ‘sinus infection’.

Acute sinusitis is often triggered by a cold or allergies and can usually resolve on its own with time. Chronic sinusitis lasts for a longer period and is most commonly caused by an infection or growth in the cavities.

Someone who may have a sinus infection or sinusitis may be experiencing headaches, facial pain, a runny nose, or most commonly – nasal congestion.

What can you do to help sinus issues?
People often opt for a quick fix that may help with symptomatic relief, such as pain medication, nasal decongestants, and nasal saline rinses. Some may be prescribed antibiotics. This can be great if it helps relieve the symptoms and allows you to feel better, but it often doesn’t fix the root cause of why there may be sinus issues present and you may find that you begin getting recurring sinus issues.

Some other things you may like to try to manage sinus issues include:

  • Remove or limit dairy products from your diet. Dairy naturally creates thicker mucus in the nasal cavities.
  • Try to remove and avoid refined sugar as this is pro-inflammatory and again produces the production of mucus.
  • Avoid foods with histamines, (things like tomatoes, some wines, fermented foods, aged cheeses, citrus fruits and some grains).
  • Stay hydrated – dehydration doesn’t only affect the body’s essential functions but also causes the mucus to thicken.
  • Consider seeing a Chiropractor and getting adjusted.

Can Chiropractic help sinus issues? How?
Chiropractic care supports the body in a holistic way to enable you to function and feel your best and that is because all of your body’s functions are controlled by your nervous system which is protected by your spine and skull. If there is unnecessary stress and tension on the body, e.g., bad posture, injuries, or imbalances, it reflects directly on your nervous system and impacts the way your body functions and adapts.

Chiropractic care may be extremely beneficial to patients with sinusitis. The cervical spine (neck) area is often related to the lymphatics and draining system in your sinuses. This is because the nerves around that area specifically innervate areas in your skull and sinus. If there is any restriction in that area, it has the potential to slow the normal lymphatic flow therefore increasing pressure and swelling of the lymph nodes and creating congestion in the sinuses. It is also known that dysfunction in the cranial bones (skull bones) is related to chronic sinusitis, which Chiropractors can also identify and may be able to help correct. Overall, getting adjusted regularly by a Chiropractor may help to free any restriction and pressure on the spine and nervous system and allow your body to function optimally!


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